If you want to find out more information about Flatbush Zombies check out their website Flatbush Zombies

Setlist: 6/2/18 at Revolution Live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Flatbush Zombies:

2. Chunky

3. Bounce

4. Headstone

5. M. Bison

6. Vacation

7. Big Shrimp

8. U&I

9. This Is It

10. New Phone, Who Dis?

11. Ascension

12. Facts

13. Leather Synmphony


15. Proxies

16. Trapped

17. 222

18. Trade-Off

19. Best American

20. S.C.O.S.A.

21. Bath Salt

22. The Glory

23. Palm Trees

24. Flatbush Zombies talk to the crowd