9/7/19 at Churchill’s Pub in Miami, FL
If you want to find about upcoming shows for Afrobeta or you want to buy their music check out their website Afrobeta or their Facebook page Afrobeta
1. Chancletazo
2. Dancing Deja Vu
3. Play House
If you’re interested in buying or hearing more music from Dama Vicke check out her website Dama Vicke -her Soundcloud Dama Vicke -her Bandcamp Dama Vicke -or her Facebook page Dama Vicke
Dama Vicke:
1. Sola
2. Soft Soap
3. Unity Not Disgrace
If you’re interested in finding about upcoming shows for Lori Garrote or you want to hear more of her music check out her website Lori Garrote -her Soundcloud Lori Garrote -or her Facebook page Lori Garrote
Lori Garrote:
1. Unappreciated
If you want to find out more information about upcoming shows for Electric Piquete or want to listen to more of their music make sure to check out their website Electric Piquete -their Soundcloud -their Facebook -or their YouTube
Electric Piquete:
If you’re interested in finding out more information about Electric Supply Company check out their Facebook page Electric Supply Company
Electric Supply Company:
If you’re interested in finding out more information about Humbert check out their Facebook page Humbert
3. Boogie Shoes (KC & The Sunshine Band)
Michael Mut
September 15, 2019 @ 09:50
Thanks for posting these for all the support!
March 26, 2020 @ 05:57
Oh yes